Double R Partners
Double R Partners is a collaboration between Royce Yudkoff and Richard Ruback, long-time co-instructors of the Harvard Business School’s The Financial Management of Smaller Firms (FMSF).
Royce Yudkoff
Andrew Banks and Royce Yudkoff co-founded Abry in 1989. Prior to forming Abry, Andrew and Royce were affiliated with Bain & Company, an international management consulting firm, where they shared responsibility for Bain’s media practice. Royce graduated as a Baker Scholar from Harvard Business School and is an honors graduate of Dartmouth College.
Royce is currently a Professor of Management Practice at Harvard Business School and co-author of Think Big, Buy Small: Own Your Own Company (Harvard Business Review Press). He is a director of numerous companies.
Richard Ruback
Richard S. Ruback is the Willard Prescott Smith Professor of Corporate Finance at the Harvard Business School. He is currently focusing his research in applied corporate finance, especially on corporate-control transactions and valuation. His course development work parallels his research interests. He has taught a variety of corporate finance courses throughout his career. Over the last few years, he and Royce Yudkoff have been developing and teaching a new second year case course titled “The Financial Management of Smaller Firms” and a field course called “Entrepreneurship through Acquisition”. Recently, Ruback and Yudkoff published their book, HBR Guide to Buying a Small Business. Published by Harvard Business Review Press, the book is a practical roadmap through the steps required to find, evaluate, negotiate and finance the acquisition of a smaller firm.