About The Foss Mountain Company
Ian Hossfeld formed The Foss Mountain Company with one goal in mind: buying a great business and growing it over the long term. Growing up in a small town on Cape Cod, Ian witnessed the power of small businesses, how they generated opportunities for people, and how the owners were pillars of their communities. After serving as a Navy SEAL officer for ten years, including combat deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq, Ian looks to bring his leadership experience to your business preserving your legacy and continuing the excellence you initiated.
Our core beliefs:
These are what you can expect from day one when dealing with The Foss Mountain Company
Open Communication
A team is destined to fail without clear communication up and down the organization. Subordinates need a leader to provide a clear vision for the company and establish standards for a team to operate independently. Additionally, leaders need to hear feedback from subordinates on the ground to create a strategic vision.
As a leader, Ian embraces a decentralized organization by sharing his strategic vision with the entire organization and establishing standards. He takes the time to get to know team members and solicits open feedback often.
When you partner with Ian you’ll never be kept in the dark.
Personal Accountability
All members of a team need to be held accountable for their actions. Accountability begins with a clear standard being set and maintained. From individual accountability, excellence spreads up through the entire organization. It is only through holding ourselves to the standard and constantly striving to improve that we are able to achieve individual and team goals.
Ian believes in keeping promises and maintaining the highest level of integrity. His word is his bond and a handshake seals a deal. In the SEAL Teams, there is a saying, “Earn your Trident every day” and this is the approach Ian takes to life. He is constantly striving to earn the respect of his team and clients.
From the start, you can count on Ian to keep his word and ensure his team does the same.
People First
Said simply, “Take care of your people and your people will take care of you”. People are the most important resource for a business. It is up to leaders to ensure that the team has the training and resources needed to succeed.
This is a lesson Ian has learned time and time again as a leader. Ian believes in ensuring people have the necessary training to excel at their current job, but also prepare them to succeed at the next level of their career progression.
This is how Ian will treat his employees from day one.